Tell me which youngster hasn't faced this scenario?
You are the usual teenager who is very naive and new to the unknown and cunning hawk-eyed world. You enter into a new sphere of life with new fellows, energitic and diverse. You are invited to a party where there are alcoholic drinks and hookahs. At first, you refuse, but finally give in to the temptation and pursuation of becoming one with your friends and comrades. You end up going for the party and sitting in one corner watching everyone around you having sips out of a bottle disguised to be a soft drink but mixed with some form of liquor of some unknown brand. An ally notices you and aproaches you with that very bottle in his hand and in the most sophisticated and yet conforting manner says " Why don't you just have a sip? Just for our friendship's sake? Trust me, you'll love it."
And there is the deciding factor; the time when you decide whom you want to be. Either you give up all your beliefs and just for the sake of fitting in, you give in to the tempation; or stay put with your ideals and morals and give a harsh but confident "No". I have faced this in my short life and decided to stand my ground and refused to give in. Refusing a chance of getting spoilt with all his friends around him is the hardest decision a teenager can make. Not everyone is capable of displaying such bewildering amounts of will power and self-control. Most people would just wonder " How could just one little sip ruin a hair off my head?". But what they don't understand is that it means they hav lost to the cursed foe of temptation. They have lost the battle against a strong corruption in life. They don't realise that their very small step of trying to "fit in" and become "cool" is actually a step downward in the ladder of life. They demotivate their heart's strive for will-power and the next time you are faced with the situation of choice and refusal, your heart subconsciously has a weaker hold onto your will power and slowly you do sense yourself changing; falling into the whirlwind of inspiration and influence of the comforting demon called "temptation". What the teenagers don't realise is that their neglegence of will power and lack of concern for their morals costs them very dearly in the future. And now is the time for a reality check. The fact that would really pull their strings that all the enjoyment and indulgence in self-disposal is all at the cost of their parents! Not a penny comes from their own pockets. Imagine, these poorly directed and irresponsible people actually shed their parents blood and sweat on drinks and other "luxuries" that don't even last for a day but whose effects may last for a life time! Boils my blood it does; burns it badly. Imagine how a parent would feel seeing their child whom they have nourished and cared for so, end up gulping down liquor from shot glasses in the name of a competition at some friend's party at the tender age of 15? Yes, generations are changing; youth is growing faster than it ever did. But there is a very good reason why few rules and laws have been made preventing teenagers' access to liquor. That reason is a word that comes only with age and understanding. It is Maturity. A beautiful word that best defines the difference between a boy and man, girl and woman. And that word is Maturity.
A teenager mature enough to say no to the harshest temptations has just done a miracle by himself. Maturity at that age is a gift, a blessing. The aura around such a person is one of resistence and self-definition. But alas! There are teenagers who give in to these temptations even though they are one with maturity. An immature youth giving in to temptation is ignorance; a mature teen giving into temptation, even with the knowledge of right and wrong is a Sin. We are living in a world where teens prefer performing sins than to keeping morals. And it is not the teenager to blame; it is his surroundings, his idols, his exposure to the outside world; exposure which attracts temptation and for which the raw mind is not ready to take. Many teens may question me, "What is wrong in consumption of liquor? Everybody does it. There is nothing wrong. Even our parents do it.". But guys and girls, your parents know their limit and they know where there is a stop. Your parents drink as a tradition, as a social indulgence, as a common practice. They do not drink for the heck of it. They do not drink to show-off about it. They do not drink to feel cool about it. They do not drink to become one with the society. But You Do. And they do it with their own hard earned money with the responsibility and maturity of a grown up. If you feel that you can drink 8-9 shots and still be steady and are equipped with the self-control to fulfil your responsibilities after that, you are free to do so. This beautiful life is not to satisfy or please someone else and fit into someone's shoes. It is to live it with pride and enjoy every moment of it. But that enjoyment shouldn't turn sore. And you shouldn't let it turn sore just to satisfy that friend who approached you with that bottle. Be genuine; be confident; be strong and be proud of taking a decision larger than your shoes seem.
Cheeeeers ! To my baby, yet mature and responsible brother :D
ReplyDeleteGreat.. It says that you have a great confidence...
ReplyDeleteEvery thing in life (good or bad) starts with just a try... but there are things when we get used to it, gets very difficult to get rid-off.
Best of luck Teju... Good day and may God bless you.
Your blog, does not talk only about the ill-effects of drinking, but speaking loudly about the way you've to know your social responsibility and your personal 'matured' growth.
ReplyDeleteWell explained.
I am sure, your parents are blessed to have you as their loving son. I am also proud to know you dear.